Acoustic Guitars - What size is right for me?
Walking into any guitar shop you'll be met with a multitude of different shapes and sizes of acoustic guitars. Whilst some players may know exactly what type of guitar they are seeking as their next 6-string partner, for many it can all be a little confusing!
If you're in the market for a new acoustic guitar this video from Youtuber Paul Davids in partnership with Eastman Guitars should be a great help! Paul takes some time to look at (and hear) the distinct impact that body size makes on acoustic guitar tone - and also which models suit different styles of playing. Take a look at it below.
You can view our full Eastman range by clicking the image below. Don't see the model you are looking for? Drop us an email on info@windmillguitars.com or call us on +44(0) 2891 225324
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Windmill Guitars are the main dealer for Eastman Guitars on the island of Ireland. Servicing the UK and European market, our unique location allows both UK and European customers to purchase from us without any further fees /customs charges!