Crazy Tube Circuits new SUPER CONDUCTOR pedal > BOOST!
Having a boost pedal on your pedal board can often be overlooked - yet this one little box of fun can have one of the BIGGEST impacts on your overall tone!
Over the years there have been many different types of boost pedals, from treble boosters to the mosfet boost and even the classic JFET. Crazy Tube Circuits have just released to answer to all your prayers .. loading not one but FOUR classic boost circuits into one pedal .. welcome THE SUPER CONDUCTOR!
Featuring 4 distinct boost circuits, based on one-knob-wonders of the present and past, these tone accelerators can drive your rig into sonic bliss.
Each all-analog circuit features different input/output impedance, internal voltage and behaves differently on the volume / output knob, producing its own sonic signature, so that you can find the one that suits your rig and playing style.
CTC have added tone shaping modifications, individual to each circuit, that you can switch at will via the white and black button modifiers.
Buy yours now here >> https://www.windmillguitars.com/products/crazy-tube-circuits-superconductor-boost-pedal